DCC Sound Installation Guide for the Auscision P Class


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An in-depth detailed guide on installing the ESU LocSound V4.0 21 pin MTC decoder and speaker into the newly released P-Class locomotive from Auscision.

Instructions can be found on the DCC Sound website and this video demonstrates the process involved, Iā€™ll also show you what to watch out for and possible traps that may lead to unnecessary confusion or possibly damage to your locomotive.

This model is full of detail and brings realism to your model railroad however a DCC decoder and speaker with authentic sound brings life to your railroad! DCC Sound have prototype sounds for this specific P-Class locomotive as well as numerous other authentic sounds for many of the available locomotives on offer in Australia.

For the most part installation was very easy and well worth the investment.

I highly recommend both the Auscision P-Class locomotive and the DCC Sound decoder with authentic P-Class sounds installed.

Check out http://www.auscisionmodels.com.au/ for more information on the P-Class locomotive &

Check out http://www.dccsound.com/ for more information on the ESU Sound decoders.

For more model railroad content and videos check out http://www.bouldercreekrailroad.com/ where I regularly post news, updates and tutorials.


Extra Files:

Additional content that will help you recreate and follow along with the build, some of the 3DĀ printer files are still experimental and may require some tinkering in order to get them to print successfully. Also, nearly all of the 3DĀ printer files are designed for resin 3DĀ printers, trying to print them using a filament 3DĀ printer may not be possible!

But in any case, IĀ hope you enjoy the extra content.


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